Women on Mission (WOM) Believing that we grow in our relationship with Christ through service, Women on Mission is ongoing missions involvement around the corner and across the globe.
Toward that effort, you will find WOM ladies of all ages and backgrounds at TVBC praying for missions and using their skills and talents to serve others through missions projects and events throughout the year. All ladies are welcome to attend. We meet on the second Saturday of every month at 9:00 a.m. We come together to pray for our church body and leaders, the sick, bereaved and elderly of our church family and community. We plan and organize different events and activities throughout the church.
We invite women of all ages to discover an active, authentic faith through our biblically sound learning experiences and meaningful mission opportunities. Come and fellowship with other sisters in Christ and see what we can do Through Him!
Women on Mission sponsored missions and events:
North American Missions/Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Benefit Luncheons
Church Decorating
Samaritan’s Purse
Mom’s In Prayer International
Duffield Primary School Snacks
Vision Virginia Missions-SBC of Virginia
International Mission Board – Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Backyard Bible Study
Providing meals for our members who are receiving or recovering from medical treatments