- Samaritan’s Purse will be collecting water bottles during APRIL. Seasonal items suggestions: solar lights, garden gloves, small gardening tools, (no seeds). Ongoing collection of large prescription bottles used for fishing kits. A collection box is in the hallway.
- May 2:Senior Adults trip to Greeneville TN History Museum and Andrew Johnson Homestead. No Cost. Depart Duffield at 10:30 am with Lunch at The Tannery Downtown at Noon
- May 3: Training for Feeding SWVA from 9-11 am by zoom in the pastor’s study
- May 5: Mother’s Day Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox. You may provide the name(s) of special females in your life to honor or memorialize them. All names should be turned in by this date. Forms are in a basket on the foyer table. Boxes may be brought on Mother’s Day, May 12. Do not forget $10 postage per box. Please attach payment with forms and return them to the basket.
- May 11: Mother’s Day Brunch for all ladies on Saturday from 9:30-10:30 am
- May 19: Baccalaureate Service at 2:00 pm. If you have a graduate or know of someone graduating from high school or college, please contact Susan Carter
- May 19: AWANA Closing Ceremony at 6:00 pm
- June 24-27: Vacation Bible School from 6-8p. If you are interested in helping, please contact Andrea Jessee
- Monthly Deacon Meeting on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm
- Praise Team Practice each Monday at 6:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome to join.
- The Sewing Bees meet every Thursday at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall.
- The Church Council meets the first Sunday of each month after the evening service.
- Monthly Business Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday after the first Sunday
- Women on Missions (WOM) meets the second Saturday of each month at 9am. All ladies are welcome.
- Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets the third Saturday of each month at 8:00 am
April Birthdays
04/08 | Miller | Elle |
04/09 | Cole | Kris |
04/10 | Bowen | Chase |
04/17 | Bowen | Otis |
04/19 | Evans | Sherri |
04/28 | Osborne | Hamilton |
April Anniversaries
04/22 | Nash, Tonya & Rique |