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2/11/24 bulletin & announcements


• March 9: Painting Party with Katie Carter. All-inclusive cost is $35. Payment is due by March 3. Make checks payable to TVBC and give them to Peggy or Melissa.

• Samaritan’s Purse will be collecting washcloths during the month of February.


• Monthly Deacon Meeting on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm
• Praise Team Practice each Monday at 6:30 p.m. Anyone is welcome to join.
• The Sewing Bees meet every Thursday at 9 a.m. in the fellowship hall.
• The Church Council meets the first Sunday of each month after the evening service.
• Monthly Business Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday after the first Sunday
• Women on Missions (WOM) meets the second Saturday of each month at 9am. All ladies are welcome.
• Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets the third Saturday of each month at 8:00 am

February Birthdays

02/02 Woodall Dan
02/07 DeBoard Peggy
02/08 Bledsoe Virginia
02/10 Chester Renee
02/16 Stewart Mardi
02/18 Hass Amy

February Anniversaries

02/14 Thompson, Betsie & Roger
02/26 Hass, Amy & Jeffery