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September 18th Bulletin and Announcements

Click HERE for our Bulletin

                                                                   TVBC ANNOUNCEMENTS:

Vision Virginia week of prayer and mission offering. 100% of the offerings received will go directly to the mission field. The fund supports dozens of ministries.

September 25-Annual Church Picnic and service at Natural Tunnel State Park from 4-8 pm

October 2-Church Council after PM service

October 8-WOM Monthly Meeting at 9:00 am

October 8-Special Service with Bryan Gunter

October 9-Fellowship Meal after morning service with Bryan Gunter followed by a Q&A session.

October 12-Monthly Business Meeting

October 28-TVBC will be providing a meal to RCHS for all involved with the football game that night. Please see Amy Hass for more info.

October 30-The Lord’s Supper during the evening service

October 31-Trunk or Treat. Look for more information in the coming weeks.

If you have an event or reminder that you would like to have placed in the weekly bulletin, please submit them to Melissa Pennington [email protected] or text 423-579-2921 or leave a note on the desk in the business office. Please submit them no later than Thursday evening to be included in the Sunday bulletin. The bulletin is normally printed Friday morning.