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April 5th Bulletin and Announcements

Click Here to View our Bulletin


• REMINDER-Evening Prayer at 7:00 every Saturday through May 16

• REMINDER- Nicaragua Supply List-We need vegetable seeds, flip flops (all sizes), medical supplies (band-aids, Tylenol children/adults, antibiotic ointment, cold/allergy meds, etc) & non-prescription reading glasses. These are the things that the pastors we are supporting down there said they are in need of…

• April 15-Fellowship Meal and Business Meeting.

• SENIORS -Friday, April 24 we will travel to Bays Mountain for a two hour barge ride 10-12 noon. Bring a picnic lunch, drinks will be provided. Bring fishing equipment, binoculars, cameras etc. Chairs are provided on the barge. Please sign up in lobby, limit 25. There is no charge for the trip. We will leave TVBC at 9:00 a.m. and return around 2:00 p.m.

• April 25-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:30 a.m.

• April 26-Beach Night at AWANA

• May 1& 2-Yard Sale at the home of Yvonne & Jimmy Edwards. All proceeds go to the Nicaragua mission trip.

• May 10-NO AWANA (Mother’s Day)

• May 17-AWANA Closing Ceremony

• REVIVAL-May 18-20 at 7:00 p.m. each night. The Good Shepherd Quartet will be singing on the 19th.

• SENIORS-Friday, May 29th we will go to Carter’s Fold to see the 7:30pm Barter Performance of the Carter family “Keep it on the Sunny Side”. Cost for the tickets is $27.00. We will eat at Smokin Pig in Gate City before the performance. There will be a sign up list in the foyer; money
will be due on April 26th.