- Samaritan’s Purse will be collecting school supplies for the months of JULY/AUGUST. Especially lead pencils and colored pencils. Ongoing collection of large prescription bottles used for fishing kits. A collection box is in the hallway.
- September 4-The youth will meet each Wednesday at 7pm beginning in September. This will replace the bimonthly Friday nights. All teens are welcome!
- Choir Practice every Wednesday at 6pm
- Monthly Deacon Meeting on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm
- The Sewing Bees are on a break for the Summer.
- The Church Council meets the first Sunday of each month after the evening service.
- Monthly Business Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday after the first Sunday
- Women on Missions (WOM) meets the second Saturday of each month at 9am. All ladies are welcome.
- Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets the third Saturday of each month at 8:00 am
August Birthdays
08/02 | Starnes | J.C. |
08/04 | Arwood | Paul |
08/05 | Stewart | Brock |
08/12 | Bowen | Travis |
08/16 | Franklin | Lexie |
08/22 | Flanary | Jerri Anna |
08/26 | Rhoton | Sherry |
08/28 | Nash | Rique |
08/30 | Jessee | Isaiah |
08/31 | Carter | Joe |
August Anniversaries
08/13 | Jessee, Vanessa & Kay |
08/29 | Carter, Anna & Joe |
08/30 | Seay, Tina & Jeff |