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4/10/22 bulletin & announcments


  • Items requested to be donated for the month of April for Samaritan’s Purse are Personal Care items: Bar soap in boxes, washcloths, band aids, hairbrush, combs, hair ties, plastic bowls, plastic water bottles, toothbrushes
  • April 15-TVBC will be hosting a family event at 6pm which includes egg coloring, egg hunt, prizes, food, movie and a special message about the true meaning of Easter.  We need donations of candy and treats for the eggs.  There will be a box in lobby to collect the items.  We will need them by Wednesday, April 13th so a group can stuff the eggs. We will need hard boiled eggs for the kids to color on Friday, 4/15.  There is a signup sheet on the table.
  • April 15 Good Friday Service. A Special Speaker will bring a message beginning at 11:00 a.m.  There will be a meal served after the message.
  • April 15Biblical Cultural teaching on the Seder (Passover meal). Taught by Tony Crisp, Pastor of Remnant Church, at Meadowview Convention Center from 6:30-8:00 pm. Cost per person is $35.00 and includes a meal.  For reservations call 1-423-732-9682. For more information contact Paul Arwood.


  • Worship Group Practice each Monday at 6:30 p.m.  Anyone is welcome to join us.
  • The Sewing Bees meet at the church every Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
  • Church Council meets the first Sunday of each month after the evening service
  • Monthly Business Meeting is held on the second Wednesday after the first Sunday
  • Women on Missions (WOM) meets the second Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m.

April Birthdays


April Anniversaries

4/22/2000Nash, Tonya & Rique