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December 18th Bulletin and Announcements

Click HERE for our Bulletin

                                                           TVBC ANNOUNCEMENTS:

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY-Re-scheduled or cancelled when:
Icing conditions
Snow accumulation>1 inch
Temperature<10 degrees
Service will be held at 2:00 p.m. only. No Sunday School, No Awana, No Van
Notification will be via e-mail, church web site and church answering machine

ATTENTION: We still have several volunteer vacancies that need to be filled. Please see Allison or Melissa if you are interested in any of these important positions.

Benevolence Committee-two positions open
Budget Committee-one position open
Nominating Committee-one position open
Sunday School Teacher (Grades 2-3)
Sonshine Productions Workshop Leader
Van Drivers
Nursery Workers
Children’s Church

December 21- KIDZ Club Play 2:00, Christmas Party that evening

December 23- The band Living Loved, will be performing at Natural Tunnel

December 25-Christmas Day Service at 11:00 a.m.

December 25- No AWANA

December 28-There will be a reception in the fellowship hall for Troy and Leslie Renfro on Wednesday evening after the service.

December 31-Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:30 am

January 6-Ladies Night Fellowship-more details to come

January 27-KIDZ Club lock-in

If you have an event or reminder that you would like to have placed in the weekly bulletin, please submit them to Melissa Pennington [email protected] or text 423-579-2921 or leave a note on the desk in the business office. Please submit them no later than Thursday evening to be included in the Sunday bulletin. The bulletin is normally printed Friday morning.